Happy New Year! A look back at my first published romance novel #EroticRomance #FFM #LoveGoddess @ExtasyBooks

Valerie Ullmer

Picture this: It’s early summer, and you’ve spent the day hiking and canoeing in Minnesota’s Boundary Waters, barely south of Canada. After a comfy evening by the campfire, you and your main squeeze are snugly zipped into your sleeping bags inside your tent. You wake – and the sky above the lake is pulsing with […]

Colors of the Night ~ Northern Lights, a love goddess, and an unhappy couple #Sale #TBT #Backlist #MFRWAuthor @extasybooks #paranormal #timetravel

Valerie Ullmer

It’s Throwback Thursday, and we thought we’d show a little love for one of our favorite stories – in fact, the first book of ours that was released by Extasy Books. We poured so much of what we love into this book. Camping on the Minnesota Boundary Waters, and yes, frequent viewings of the Northern […]

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