How using the senses in your writing can bring your characters to life


Another month, and another authors’ Round Robin. This month our topic is set by author Skye Taylor… Using the senses in writing: how important is it to draw the reader in to experience what your characters are seeing, hearing, smelling, etc? I’ve thought long about this one and my feeling is, reading is a different […]

Some tips on research for fiction writers (and knowing when enough is enough)


It’s time for another of our authors’ Round Robins, and this month the topic is… How important is research for your writing? Besides writing fiction, I’m also the author of a non-fiction social history, Struggle and Suffrage in Halifax: Women’s Lives and the Fight for Equality. This book covers the period from 1800–1950. I’ve given […]

How Goal, Motivation and Conflict add essential tension to your story


It’s my first authors’ Round Robin of the year, and this month our topic is… Using Goal, Motivation and Conflict to add tension to your story All stories are about people, because human beings love to hear stories about other human beings. At their heart, the most engrossing stories are about a character who wants… Continue reading How Goal, Motivation and Conflict add essential tension to your story

The Elf Swap: a free short story for Christmas


It’s the last authors’ Round Robin of the year! And this month, we’ve each of us taken the time to write a story for our readers. And so… …here’s my free heartwarming short story, The Elf Swap. I hope you enjoy! The Elf Swap Rosie hopped from foot to foot, blowing on her freezing fingertips.… Continue reading The Elf Swap: a free short story for Christmas

7 tips for setting the scene in your novel (and bringing it to life)


It’s another month, and another authors’ Round Robin. And this month the topic is… Setting the scene This seems a simple topic. A scene is just a scene, isn’t it? Just a few lines of description and then move on to the more interesting plot and dialogue. In fact skilful scene-setting can enrich the plot,… Continue reading 7 tips for setting the scene in your novel (and bringing it to life)

Story: When the truth isn’t reality #SciFi #PietasFans #MFRWhooks


You know that feeling when you think you know the whole story? You know the truth? So you make a decision and you run with it. When you careen into a wall you didn’t see, you pick yourself up and …
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