“I want that tape erased.” #MFRWHooks #EroticRomance #LaterInLife

Adriana Kraft

Coming to Extasy Books this Friday! Ripening Passion Passion Series, Book Two Erotic Romance, Later in Life, LGBTQ Welcome to MFRW Hooks, where the authors of Marketing for Romance Writers share snippets from their stories to entice you into wanting more. Be sure to click on the links at the end to travel! EXCERPT Set […]

Guest Post – Character Interview with The Shadowdancer @Libraryoferana #Fantasycharacter #darkfantasy #Fantasy #Meetacharacter

Adriana Kraft

INTERVIEW CHARACTER NAME: You can call me The Shadowdancer Tell us a little about yourself. How do you know I’ll tell you the truth? In fact how do you know what is the truth? It’s such a fluidic term. I am the shadows, they obey me. I am he who walks unseen, unheard. I am […]

“Who the hell are you?” #SnippetSunday #SnipSun #Sale 99¢ #RomanticSuspense #MFRWAuthor

Adriana Kraft

Welcome to Snippet Sunday – ten sentences from all your favorite romance authors! You’ll find them all at this Facebook Group every Sunday: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SnippetSunday/ The Belmont is still two weeks away. Have you ever been to that track? It seems to stretch forever – the longest of the three Triple Crown races, it carries a […]

Cover Reveal: Ripening Passion, coming June 2 #EroticRomance #LaterInLife @ExtasyBooks #CoverReveal

Adriana Kraft

Cover artist Martine Jardin did a marvelous job placing the story in New York City and capturing our svelte, icy heroine and her nemesis. Ripening Passion releases at Extasy Books next Friday and will be available at all your favorite e-book vendors within a week after that. https://www.extasybooks.com/Ripening-Passion BOOK INFORMATION Title: Ripening Passion Series: Passion Series, […]

Blog Tour: Enchanted Ink, by Robin Lynn #LGBTQ #Giveaway #GayRomance #gaybookpromo

Adriana Kraft

BLOG TOUR Book Title: Enchanted Ink Author: Robin Lynn Cover Artist: Art by Gio Guimaraes, Design by Katie Marlin Release Date: June 1, 2023 Genres: LGBTQ Fiction, Contemporary Romance, Fantasy Tropes: Fantasy/Magic/World-building, Tattoo artists, Hurt/Comfort, Meet-Cute, Secret Identities, Celebrities, HEA, Queer romance Themes: Self-acceptance, trauma recovery, transformation, Demisexual representation. Heat Rating: 3 flames Length: 60 […]

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