Summer blockbusters are coming to an end, and our timelines are filled with the first day of school photos. Time to show your book to those who will have a little more free time during the week. First, you need …
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Free Access for ALLi Members The Self Publishing Advice Conference offers two full days (10:00 AM – 10:00 PM) of information and insights for indie authors. Speakers include Joanna Penn, Mark Dawson, Nick Stephenson, Joel Friedlander, Jane Friedman, Ma…
Christmas book-buying has already started! So NOW is the time to get in front of your audience and potential readers. BookBub recently revealed that after almost a decade of monitoring Christmas book sales, the data is clear that one of …
Many MockupShots customers have been sharing their images and promotion schedules for the holiday season. It’s going to be a big year for their book sales. This is what one of them wrote: “Just wanted to say a huge thank …
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