“…maybe you’ll want to stay for coffee.” The Merry Widow #MRFWHooks #EroticRomance #Excerpt #BookSale

Iris Blobel

Welcome to MFRW Hooks, where the authors of Marketing for Romance Writers share snippets from their stories to entice you into wanting more. Be sure to click on the links at the end to travel! Here’s little steam from The Merry Widow to heat you up against the wintry weather… EXCERPT Jim tried to breathe […]

The Mind of the Villain #TBT #RomanticSuspense #KU #Halloween #MFRWAuthor

Iris Blobel

Halloween’s almost here! Did you think we were going to give away the villain’s secrets on this last Throw Back Thursday in October? Think again – but what we will do is share the opening of a creepy letter he sent her: “Dear Detective: You may be good at games, but I am a master […]

The Mind of the Villain #TBT #RomanticSuspense #KU #Halloween #MFRWAuthor

Iris Blobel

For Throwback Thursday, here’s another peek into the mind of our villain. Tension is amping up! By now, Nancy and Matt have figured out the villain’s timing, but they still have no clue who he is, who he’ll target next, or how to stop him. He sobered against the stiff wind. Did Detective Appleby think […]

That Kiss! #MFRWHooks #RomanticSuspense #Samhain #UndercoverCop #KU

Iris Blobel

Welcome to MFRWHooks! Scroll to the end for more of this weeks tempting excerpts The Unmasking, by Adriana Kraft BUY LINK  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IDVB6KQ/ Always free at Kindle Unlimited BLURB Whose mask will crumble first— the enigmatic professor of Celtic Studies, the undercover cop masquerading as a co-ed, or the campus stalker, biding his time to strike […]

The mind of the villain #TBT #Samhain #RomanticSuspense #KU

Iris Blobel

For Throwback Thursday, here’s another peek into the mind of our villain. We won’t give away what he’s planning – we’ll just say he’s very steeped in the pagan calendar and its rituals… His lips curled. He wondered if the goddess was good at waiting. He was; his gift, like a good wine, could not […]

#TBT – The mind of the villain… #Samhain #RomanticSuspense #MFRWAuthor #IARTG #KindleCountdown

Iris Blobel

Samhain. Ancient Celtic/Pagan festival. Do you like Celtic myths and rituals? Both of us have Celtic ancestry, so we delved pretty deeply into that tradition when we were writing this book. Also, we’re both former professors, so it was pretty easy for us (well, me!) to fall in love with our Anthropology Professor hero, Matt […]

#TBT – Are you ready for Halloween? #Samhain #RomanticSuspense #MFRWAuthor #IARTG #IndieAuthor

Iris Blobel

Samhain. Ancient Celtic/Pagan festival. Of course when our neighborhood went Trick-or-Treating in my childhood, I knew nothing about this heritage. It was just fun – and our group never played any tricks on anyone in any case, though often the next day at school we’d hear about some who did. All in fun. The roots […]

“…does that make this a date?” #MFRWhooks #RomanticSuspense #Romance

Iris Blobel

A desperate espresso café owner, a determined coffee franchise rep, a quiet Midwestern town, anonymous threats out of the blue—where does the true danger lie? Welcome to Book Hooks, a Wednesday offering by members of Marketing For Romance Writers to share a little taste of our work and entice you into wanting more! Click on […]

Stress – But not a complaint! #EroticRomance #RomanticSuspense #MFRWAuthor

Iris Blobel

Do you let stress derail you plans? Um, yes. Today’s Wednesday. I always have a post ready ahead of time for the MFRW Book Hooks weekly blog hop – but not this morning. I wasn’t even aware I’d missed it until I started running into the BookHooks posts of other authors on social  media this […]

Where does true danger lie? #NewRelease – I Am Not For Sale #MFRWHooks #RomanticSuspense

Iris Blobel

Welcome to Book Hooks, a Wednesday offering by members of Marketing For Romance Writers to share a little taste of our work and entice you into wanting more! Click on the links at the end to travel to other Book Hook posts, and enjoy! Coming this Friday, November 5, to Extasy Books! It’s nothing personal…A […]

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