Hello and Happy May! Wow, its been almost two months since my last post. Clearly, life is busy. I’m still planning my wedding (October 19), working and generally enjoying life. But I have a few pieces of news and then a request (but that will be in a separate post). Catherine’s Mercy just won first […]
I hope your winter has been less eventful than mine and that you’ve had lots of time to read and relax. I’ve been busy finishing the move to South Bend (everything is here now, but finding room for it all has been a challenge), working, wedding planning and my grandmother passed away at 91. I […]
Okay, technically Catherine’s Mercy came out yesterday, but I wasn’t able to write this blog post because…well, just trust me. Anyway, its here! I am so proud of this book and so happy that it is out in the world! Last night, I even had the amazing experience of seeing it advertised in Times Square, […]
Hi, everyone! Yes, I am still here. I’ve just been quiet because my life has been crazy (in a great way)! If you follow me on Facebook, you already know that I have a serious boyfriend and am moving to South Bend, Indiana, on May 20, to live with him. So that has totally thrown […]
When my book, Catherine’s Mercy, comes out next June, you’ll meet a fictionalized version of Anna Maria (or Marie) Doyle. She was one of Catherine McAuley’s closest friends and a main character in the book. September 24 is Mercy Day, the 195th anniversary of the opening of the first House of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland, […]