Two New Historical Fiction Novels by Author Friends

March 20, 2024 Nicole Evelina 0

Two of my dear writer friends, Donna Russo (who is also my agent-sister) and Stephanie Dray, have new novels coming out soon. I’m thrilled to share them with you.  Donna’s latest novel, VINCENT’S WOMEN, is a work unlike any other written with Vincent van Gogh at its heart. It is the only novel to bring […]

Catherine’s Mercy is Out Now!

November 9, 2023 Nicole Evelina 0

Okay, technically Catherine’s Mercy came out yesterday, but I wasn’t able to write this blog post because…well, just trust me. Anyway, its here! I am so proud of this book and so happy that it is out in the world! Last night, I even had the amazing experience of seeing it advertised in Times Square, […]

New Book Out Today: Fierce Females on Televison

October 15, 2023 Nicole Evelina 0

Need a book to curl up with as we head into Spooky Season and the cold months ahead? If you’re a fan of television (and who isn’t or at least hasn’t been?) I’ve got a book for you! It’s publication day for Fierce Females on Television: A Cultural History, my analysis of 10 TV shows […]

Cover Reveal: Fierce Females on Television

August 7, 2023 Nicole Evelina 0

I was so busy moving and such that I realized I never did a cover reveal for my next release: Fierce Females on Television: A Cultural History. Coming October 15 A fascinating deep-dive into how shows from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to The Equalizer have changed the way women are portrayed on television. The last three decades of television […]

Updates and Podcasts and Lists, Oh My!

May 9, 2023 Nicole Evelina 0

Hi, everyone! Yes, I am still here. I’ve just been quiet because my life has been crazy (in a great way)! If you follow me on Facebook, you already know that I have a serious boyfriend and am moving to South Bend, Indiana, on May 20, to live with him. So that has totally thrown […]