Politics, Religion and the Penal Laws in 19th Century Ireland

June 25, 2021 Nicole Evelina 0

In the beginning of Consequences, Lord Montgomery and Daniel O’Connell (a historical person) discuss politics over dinner. Here’s a little more information on what was going on at the time in case their conversation left you a little confused. Today we think of Ireland as primarily a Catholic country – except for Northern Ireland which […]

Tour the House of Mercy

June 23, 2021 Nicole Evelina 0

The very last scene of Consequences takes place in the House of Mercy on Baggot Street in Dublin, Ireland. I was fortunate to spend a week there several years ago (we even slept in an adjoining building.) Part of our reason for being there was to help the Sisters create materials for a fundraising campaign […]

Tour Coolock House

June 21, 2021 Nicole Evelina 0

If you’ve gotten to the part in Consequences where Margaret visits Catherine McAuley at Coolock house, you may be wondering what it really looks like. After all, there was only space in the story to describe the outside, the entryway and one room. Luckily, I was able to tour it several years ago and I […]