Life plunged him into a lightless, inescapable world of sympathetic platitudes #SciFi #Romance #MFRWhooks

Kayelle Allen

This is the opening scene from Her Crystal Clear Truth. Joe has just come from his parents’ funeral. Excerpt Tarthian Empire, Kyrenie; Fenris City, Taskya District The barren house echoed the void inside. Empty places looked back, demanding a reaction….

Those Absent, by Jill Culiner @JillCuliner #history #memoir #JewishHistory #Hungary #RuralVillage

Adriana Kraft

In 1999, I was in Budapest, preparing a photographic exhibition about the vanished Jews of Eastern Europe, when I heard about the Kunmadaras pogrom: In May 1946, Holocaust survivors were accused of kidnapping Christian children and using their blood for kosher sausage. Grabbing iron bars, garden tools, any weapon they could find, the town’s residents […]

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