“Suspenseful, intriguing and truly romantic!” #RomanticSuspense #KU #IndiePub #HorseRacing #Thoroughbred #SportsRomance

Kayelle Allen

Most of the books Mr. Kraft and I write together are steamy erotic romance, typically (but not always) featuring bisexual women. But that’s not where we got our start. When I started this year-long backlist review in my New Years Day blog post HERE, I noted that we accomplished our first goal – to be […]

My Review: Code Girls, by Liza Mundy @lizamundy #WWII #WomensHistory #Review #KU

Kayelle Allen

Code Girls, by Liza Mundy, is the third book in my current series of book reviews featuring the role of women in the WWII Allied victory. The first two books – The Atomic City Girls, and Daughters of the Night Sky – are historical fiction based very closely on actual events and characters. Code Girls […]

It doesn’t take any more time to dream big than small. #NewYear #Dreaming #RomanticSuspense #HorseRacing #MFRWAuthor #KU

Kayelle Allen

Happy New Year! What are your dreams for this year? Do you even let yourself dream? I hope so. Part of my daily practice is using the Daily Calm meditation app, first thing after I get up and start coffee. This morning’s meditation was on dreaming, and among other things, it pointed out that every […]

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