A Book Fair for Lovers of SF/F Romance A bundle of high-caliber authors for lovers of SF/F Romance. This special event showcases all subgenres and flavors of sci-fi romance and may include cyberpunk, dystopian, fantasy, young adult, hard scifi, militar…
One of the fun things about writing a series is that you get to use some of the same settings in different books. The Royal Arms Hotel has played host to characters in two books and the one I’m writing …
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The post A window …
Book Fair for Kindle Unlimited & Free Books A Kindle Unlimited bundle of high-caliber authors for book lovers This special event showcases all subgenres of sci-fi and may include fantasy, historical romance, cyberpunk, dystopian, fantasy, young adu…
In this scene from At the Mercy of Her Pleasure, NarrAy and Encie, one of her aides, have just observed a quick interchange between Senth and NarrAy’s other aide Broxus. But she mistakes what and who Senth likes. The reality …
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