He must not succumb to the weakness of hope #Excerpt Forged in Fire by Kayelle Allen #SciFi #MFRWhooks

Angelica Primm

In this scene, Pietas, Six, and their other companions have been following Joss back to camp. But it’s been forever and they are no closer. She is legendary for her ability to get lost, so why she is leading them, …
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The po…

Story: When the truth isn’t reality #SciFi #PietasFans #MFRWhooks

Angelica Primm

You know that feeling when you think you know the whole story? You know the truth? So you make a decision and you run with it. When you careen into a wall you didn’t see, you pick yourself up and …
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The post Story: When the…

Pietas gains unwelcome attention from a telepath #SciFi #PietasFans

Angelica Primm

In this scene from Forged in Fire, Pietas and the search party sent to find him have stopped their upward mountain trek for a short break. Prior to their reunion the previous day, Pietas had spent a year in confinement, …
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#FreeBook Fall into some free Science Fiction with a Bookspry giveaway 📚 #SciFi #SpaceOpera

Angelica Primm

A Book Fair for those who love to read The books in this book fair might be in Kindle Unlimited, but they might also be on non-Amazon sites as well. Some are on sale. Join us! Fun Book Fair
The post #FreeBook Fall into some free Science Fiction with a …

Would he be a traitor to his people? Or their salvation… #SciFi Bringer of Chaos by Kayelle Allen #AudioBook

Angelica Primm

Now in audio – $1.99 each Origin of Pietas Forged in Fire If you’re fighting immortals who always get back up, you’d better have a way to do the same thing or it’s Lights Out. But what if the enemy …
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The post Would he be a…

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