Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write to word prompts. This week the word prompt is “flush”. Any form of the word is acceptable. Today’s segment is from my work-in-progress, “Sam’s Decision,” book 3 in the historical romance series, “The …
Never fall in love on Wednesday Ferris wakes on the Sea Queen, an enchanted cruise ship sailing on a chocolate sea. He has no idea how he got here, but he desperately wants to go home to his boyfriend. The …
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The post Don&#…
I am powerful, as fire is powerful. When I conceived the idea of Pietas performing a ritual to remind himself of his own prowess, I knew it would have to include the elements of fire, air, water, and wind. That …
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The post …
In this scene, when Luc is asked to find a missing child, he’s sure he’s missing something. After all, this is the master of misdirection he’s talking to: Pietas, who wants him to find a kid. Sure he does. Meanwhile, …
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Hi everyone – Today’s hook continues with “Their Bond through Jade” The story is set in the wonderful country of New Zealand. The snippet continues in Mat’s POV Enjoy ♥♥ This week’s Hook … “This blood-p…
Howdy do! Welcome to Tuesday Tales where authors write stories to word prompts. This week we have a peek into Abiel Lee’s plot to get Sam Chesney married to his daughter from “Sam’s Decision”. When you’re done, hop on over and read the other stor…
Gender Queer was the #1 most banned book in 2023. Here’s a quick bit about the book. In 2014, Maia Kobabe, who uses e/em/eir pronouns, thought that a comic of reading statistics would be the last autobiographical comic e would …
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