Think positive! Two days until Friday!
They say to write what you know. Okay, so once I wrote a story about a yard sale, featuring a cast of wacky Southerners, Jennifer, Buddy, and Gail, plus others. Some of which were based on my family. Plus many of the shoppers from Earlybirds to Pa…
After doing some research about the current Facebook sharing situation, I was shocked at all the information that is being shared with other apps when I have most of my privacy settings set to “Only me.” Overall I think the most important things …
Includes contemporary and historical romances in all sub-genres! Grab some great reading now and enter to win a $50 gift card!Check out all the great titles here:
5 Stars – Congratulations on your 5-star review! Get your free 5-star seal! Reviewed By Peggy Jo Wipf for Readers’ Favorite Dorothy A. Bell’s historical romance The Widow’s Ferry will keep you riveted as it takes you back in American history. Anora Claire Sennet’s journey began in the year 1841 when her father, mother, aunt, […]
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Dance Hall Road E-book $4.99 pre-order available Release date July 11, 2017 Dance Hall Road the first in a series of four. Do-si-do, Jo and the Pinkerton man and one more as yet untitled. Look for Dance Hall Road in July, Do-si-do in September and Jo and the Pinkerton Man around the first of […]
Our tiny home, 352 square feet is set in a mobile home park. We moved in January of 2016. First order of business, hook up to utilities, sewer, water. Next: skirting and steps, gutters on both sides, deck, landscape. Inside, the choices for flooring and counter tops were dark for our Park Model home. We […]
Flash Fiction Contest winner. 1st prize. We were given the first line. One Arm Tied Behind My Back By Dorothy A. Bell She stumbled out the front door and down the wet steps, tears streaming down her cheeks. His smiling face a blur, Kay took a leap and flew into his waiting embrace. […]