On Tour: The Falconer’s Apprentice, by Malve von Hassell @MvonHassell @cathiedunn #HistoricalFiction #HolyRomanEmpire #FrederickII #CasteldelMonte #falconry #MedievalMedicine #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub

Adriana Kraft

BOOK INFORMATION Book Title: The Falconer’s Apprentice Author: Malve von Hassell Publication Date: January 30, 2024 (second edition) Publisher: Malve von Hassell Pages: 214 Genre: Historical Fiction BLURB THE FALCONER’S APPRENTICE is a story of adventure and intrigue set in the intense social and political unrest of the Holy Roman Empire in the thirteenth century. […]

Call Juli D Revezzo the queen of fantastical storytelling. She weaves #Steampunk, #Romance, and #SciFi elements into her stories with finesse 📚✨ @julidrevezzo

Kayelle Allen

From Juli D Revezzo Thank you, Kayelle, for hosting me today! A few years ago, I began the Gears, Cogs, and Puppy Dogs series about Vesta, a young female inventor. The steampunk (or alternate Victorian, if you will) presented a …
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Even if he never beat another drum, he could die with his ears straight up #SciFi #Romance #Rockstar #MFRWhooks

Kayelle Allen

In this scene, Izzorah is recalling a concert where he entertained as the drummer for the rock group Kumwhatmay. Surrender Love Izzorah cranked up the hot water and turned his back, head tilted down so it soothed the tension in …
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